Archive / lap trays

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trabasack curve with a plate of food ready for dining

Best Lap Trays for Eating

Why Trabasacks are the Best Lap Trays for Eating Imagine the convenience of enjoying your breakfast in bed, a snack on the sofa, or dinner in front of the TV without the hassle of unstable surfaces or spills. This is where Trabasack comes into play, redefining the traditional lap tray and setting new standards for […]

Mike using a trabasack Max lap tray in bed

Trabasack: The Ultimate Lap Tray for Wheelchair Users

Mike reviews the Trabasack, the most Accessible Lap Tray for Wheelchair Users In this article, we introduce Mike Nevin who has been using trabasacks for many years and explore the benefits of Trabasack lap trays designed specifically for wheelchair users, providing a convenient and accessible solution for dining and computing: Hitchhikers’ Guide to a Tray: […]

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