Archive / Trabasack Product Uses

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XAC tray and switch mount

What are the options for using a trabasack as a tray or mount for your Xbox Adaptive Controller? The XAC is not handheld so you need a comfortable and secure tray for using it on your lap. Who wants a ‘granny laptray’ with the coolest new controller on the market, so what you need is […]

An xbox adaptive crontroller on a trabasack min lap tray

Trabasack Curve: the Ultimate Lap Tray for Xbox Controller

The new Microsoft Adaptive Controller promises to help to bring gaming to a much wider audience of gamers with physical challenges. Although it still relies on a wide network of customised controllers built by third parties, the controller will help to bring many different types of interface together and make integration with console and PC […]

An older man sits in a high-back chair, eating lunch using the Trabasack Curve as a lap tray

Wheelchair trays: what are your choices?

Comparing wheelchair trays, what are the options? There is a wealth of choice out there if you considering wheelchair trays, but what represents the best choice for you? Can you get great value, functionality and style in one package? Of course you can… but before we get to the best overall solution (the trabasack, designed […]

Man using a Trabasack Walking Desk with a Sont Vaio laptop

Walking Laptop Desk Bag

Keep Connected to Your Work Whilst Away from the Desk Trabasack Walking Laptop Desk A busy work environment calls for busy staff – in warehouse environments, active office spaces and beyond, many members of staff, especially those in coordinating roles, regularly find themselves away from the desk, which can make keeping up-to-date with electronic communication and […]

Image of a lady sat outside a pub, using the Trabasack as a wheelchair tray for dining-out

Wheelchair Food Tray

For more info on wheelchair trays and an in-depth comparison review, please click here to read our page “Wheelchair trays: what are your choices?” Trabasack Curve – A Carry Anywhere Food Tray Trabasack – an excellent idea! Its stability still amazes me (I can carry a cup of tea!) … people ask me about it, […]

Image of young boy in a buggy playing with sensory items on a Trabasack Curve Connect play tray

Special Needs Buggy Tray

Trabasack Special Needs Buggy Tray – Combining Adaptability and Comfort for your Child I love the Trabasack – best buy in ages, and no chance of Eve scratching or knocking herself like she usually manages to do with every piece of equipment! I’ve been showing everyone! It’s great that Eve can’t hurt herself on it […]

Image of a man holding Trabasack Mini briefcase in one hand, an iphone in the other

Men’s Work and Leisure Lapdesk Bag

Style and Function – A Unique Design Trabasack is an essential part of my work life, I leave the office with my macbook and work comfortably in the park, on the beach or anywhere. I don’t need a desk, or to balance the computer on my legs or suffer the heat from the power supply […]

Young man sitting upon the floor using the Trabasack Mini upon his lap for his laptop

Laptop Lapdesk and Storage Bag

The Trabasack All-in-One Laptop Lapdesk Combination laptop lapdesk and storage bag solution The Trabasack Mini is the ultimate combination of stylish laptop lapdesk and practical storage solution. Each laptop bag includes a built-in lapdesk on one side, ideal for using laptops, netbooks and tablet PCs whilst on the go – no matter what the location. If […]

Image of a lady in a high-back chair using the Trabasack Curve Connect as a craft tray

Craft Bag and Work Tray

For more info on wheelchair trays and an in-depth comparison review, please click here to read our page “Wheelchair trays: what are your choices?” Craft Tray Bag Trabasack Curve Connect is a British designed craft bag and work tray in one. The Curve Connect includes a number of useful and creative features that make crafting […]

Image of an iPad Communication Aid being used on the tray of the Trabasack Curve

Communication Aid Mount

Sturdy and Secure – Ideal for Mounting your Communication Device I was originally just looking for something to support my arms whilst using a Lightwriter on my lap. I don’t like traditional wheelchair trays, and I have a sporty style manual chair with special folding mechanism, so the front of chair folds under the seat. […]

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