Communication Aid Mount
Sturdy and Secure – Ideal for Mounting your Communication Device
I was originally just looking for something to support my arms whilst using a Lightwriter on my lap. I don’t like traditional wheelchair trays, and I have a sporty style manual chair with special folding mechanism, so the front of chair folds under the seat. This means the frame at the front slides inside the tubing as it goes down so I can’t attach anything to it without having to unbolt it all the time.
When I saw the Trabasack I thought it would be ideal for my ‘travel chair’. I decided to get the one with Velcro top as I thought it would be easier for me to keep items on it, as I tend to be clumsy and sometimes knock things I wasn’t particularly aiming for!
It works well with my Lightwriter, but I also use it for many for other things.
I would highly recommend this product – for just under £40 it can be used as bag/tray in a variety of situations. I love mine!Happy customer, Kati Lea
“Excellent functionality and more trendy than traditional communication aid mounts”
Having the correct mount for your communication aid device is essential and the Trabasack Mini Connect is the ideal mounting surface for your device. Whether you use a Lightwriter or an Inclusive Slate or any other device, the Trabasack Mini is designed with universality in mind.
The underside is cushioned by a lightweight bean bag, which exerts next to no pressure on your legs and your communication aid is held safely and securely on the sturdy tray surface.
The Connect surface allows you to utilise hook and eye technology, meaning your device can be safely secured to the tray surface and you no longer need to worry about your device falling or getting damaged. You can position it perfectly so access is super easy.
- Aides easy transport – super lightweight and can be attached to your wheelchair, buggy or therapy chair if needed
- Safe storage of your device in the bag compartment
- Award winning British design
- Stylishly designed with appearance as well as functionality in mind
- Ultimate in functionality – can be worn as a satchel, messenger bag or rucksack or hung from your wheelchair
- Secure and safe, further enhanced by Connect surface
Buy now via our secure website for only £39.95